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PO 303 - Perform the Role of a Team Leader
PO 304 - Update Personal Activity Plan
PO 305 - Participate in Recreational Sports
PO 306 - Fire the Cadet Air Rifle during Recreational Marksmanship
PO 307 - Serve in an Air Cadet Squadron
PO 308 - Direct a Flight Prior to a Parade
PO 309 - Instruct a Lesson
PO 311 - Participate in a Recreational Summer Biathlon Activity
PO 320 - Participate in Canadian Armed Forces Familiarization Activities
PO 331 - Describe Principles of Flight
PO 336 - Identify Meteorological Conditions
PO 337 - Demonstrate Air Navigation Skills
PO 360 - Recognize Aspects of Aerodrome Operations
PO 370 - Recognize Aspects of Aircraft Manufacturing and Maintenance
PO 390 - Navigate a Route Using a Map and Compass
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